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collaborative editing中文是什么意思

用"collaborative editing"造句"collaborative editing"怎么读"collaborative editing" in a sentence


  • 协同编辑


  • Real-time collaborative editing systems are a class of computer-supported cooperative work ( cscw ) systems
  • This dissertation carries out several further researches in collaborative editing area, which is based on the newest research deployed in the world
  • There are two categories of collaborative editing systems : text and graphics ( including object-based and bitmap-based ) . collaborative text editing systems have been widely researched and well-understood, object-based collaborative graphics editing systems are under researching, and bitmap-based collaborative graphics editing systems have not yet been touched
  • Software is used everywhere you look within real-world processes of all kinds : collaborative editing of documents, management of customer orders, raw materials procurement, preparation of tax returns, provisioning, administration of product development efforts, online shopping, management of customer relationships, and coordination of plant and warehouse operations
用"collaborative editing"造句  
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